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HTMA President Notes from the Spring 2023 Newsletter

HTMA President’s Notes - Summer/Fall 2023

July 13, 20232 min read

Hello Friends of HTMA,

Wow! What a great year for our Sunday Meeting Jams and Tuesday Coffeehouses! Lots of professional and hobby musicians showing off their stuff; Lots of excellent new talent as well. Thanks for trusting our judgement on the long distance groups Jani booked. Coffeehouses are the 4 th Tuesday of the month in June, July, August, October and November. See more info about the line up in the newsletter and website.

Instead of a coffeehouse, September’s music event is the Gazebo Concert on Sunday, September 10. I am looking for talent to perform. Please let me know if you would like to play with a band or on your own. Contact information is on our website

HTMA Meeting Jams are held at Downtown Huntsville, Madison County Library, 1:30-4pm. We welcome a variety of abilities, acoustic instruments, and all ages. And for those of us who are shy about playing in public, just know we are not alone. Our fellow musicians are here for support as we open up and play in public.

Can you donate an average of 11 hours a month?! We have an incredible number of folks who contribute to running HTMA. But, without a new person for each of these open positions, they will not happen. As our board members find they need to retire their volunteer positions, please consider taking on one of the tasks! We currently have 2 positions that need to be filled: 1. A person to schedule nursing home and community performance gigs with our volunteer talent and 2. Publicity is a shadowing position to take over in September. Over 9 months, 8 volunteers worked 795 non-performance based hours total. That is an average of 11 hours a month. Total volunteers including performers for a variety of community events including nursing homes:23. Total coffeehouse audience since January: 706. Total participants at our workshop: 40. Total audience for all other community events members played for : 5247. Members perform at these community events free of charge and we service a wide variety of audience members: age, ethnicity, and ability.

To read the Summer / Fall 2023 Newsletter click here.

Hope to See and Hear you soon!

Lynne Edmondson

HTMAHuntsville Traditional Music Association
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Lynne Edmondson

HTMA President - Lynne Edmondson

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This program has been made possible by a 2025 Arts & Cultural Grant from Arts Huntsville funded by the City of Huntsville.

501C Ruling: The IRS has recognized the Huntsville Traditional Music Association as a tax exempt non-profit corporation, under section 501.c3 of Internal Revenue Code, effective August 25, 2006. Your charitable donations to help us continue our mission of maintaining a folk and traditional music presence in the Tennessee Valley are both appreciated and tax deductible.

Copyright 2025 Huntsville Traditional Music Association All Rights Reserved.